Play Slot is one kind of slot machine and it is free and do not need network.Beginning of the game system will give you 5000 points to play for free - it does not matter if the score is exhausted, leaving the game and re-enter will have free scores again.
Enjoy! !
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---- Revision History ----1.0♡ first version.
1.1♡ automatic play, press the auto button input frequency and then start it.♡ fixed low-resolution display problems.
1.2♡ fixed auto-play can not be stopped when you have left the application.
1.3♡ increase the chances to hit jackpot.
1.4♡ add music control feature.
1.5♡ fixed bugs.
1.6♡ support tablet display.♡ add invite Line friends feature.
1.7♡ add rate feature.♡ add website link.
1.8♡ fixed bugs.
1.9♡ fixed data overflow on some devices.